Why We Teach
We believe that instruction in the arts is vital to a child’s brain development. Artistic lessons make children smarter and develop needed life skills such as hard work, discipline and the ability to finish tasks. As a Christian arts academy, we believe that the Bible gives us basis for artistic instruction. Our God is a creative God who delights in the creativity of His children. As we reflect His creativity, we point others to their Creator. Additionally, as believers, we are called to serve the body of Christ with our gifts and talents. (Ephesians 2:10, Romans 12:6-8, Matthew 25:14-15) Every effort will be made to encourage students to use their gifts and abilities in their local churches. If a student or family is interested in learning more about the Christian faith, we want to offer that opportunity and have those conversations. Our why is based on truths found in the Bible, and our policies and procedures will reflect those truths. For further information on why we teach and how Hunter Street Arts Academy instruction will be carried out, please feel free to contact Lisa Latham, Arts Academy Director, at lisal@hsbc.org.
What We Teach
Class offerings vary each semester based on teacher availability and interest.
Read about our instructors and more detailed lesson descriptions and times.
When We Operate
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday - times vary during the summer
Where We Are Located
The Hunter Street Arts Academy is located in the kids building on the campus of Hunter Street Baptist Church and operates as part of the Worship Arts Ministry. All students will enter via the Homefront bookstore entrance (up the stairs and above the fountain) on the side of our building to check in on an iPad before going to their classroom.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”